Every atom has charged electrons spinning around the nucleus.
The lightning bolt that sometimes results is the earth sending negatively charged electrons into the cloud.
The cathode supplies negatively charged electrons, thereby making the deuterium atoms electrically neutral.
This interaction of the very rapidly moving negatively charged electrons with the magnetic field radiates a pulse of electromagnetic energy.
According to the theory, negatively charged electrons within atoms orbit around positively charged nuclei.
This creates positively charged ions and electrons, known as ion pairs, in the gas.
The photon gives its energy to the nucleus and then creates a pair of positively and negatively charged electrons.
Oppenheimer, drawing on the body of experimental evidence, rejected the idea that the predicted positively charged electrons were protons.
A mixture of positively charged gas ions and electrons is called a plasma.
Ambipolar means that the electric charge is transported by both positively charged holes and negatively charged electrons.