Black student leaders complained when the school did not immediately suspend the suspects when the charges first surfaced.
These charges surfaced anew during the election campaign last year, and he was forced to deal with them.
He was rearrested yesterday when the new charges surfaced and was held in lieu of a further $100,000 bail.
After other charges of influence peddling surfaced, the language in the bill was eventually dropped.
As the organization worked to define its mission, two charges surfaced from it - resolutions, and from the program - budget decisions.
Fresh charges of sexual abuse surfaced in January.
The application of relief was later denied, then reconsidered in January 2009 when charges of corruption against the judges surfaced.
Despite adopting a budget for the remainder of the school year, new charges against the board surfaced.
When charges of alcoholism surfaced in the 1992 campaign, he waved them off as "total nonsense."
He was placed on administrative leave Friday, after the charge had surfaced, the department said.