It began last April, as a protest against a plan to charge tuition - about $150 a year - for the first time in decades.
Some colleges charge tuition while a student works, others don't.
Though the school charged tuition, it was open to all white children.
But today, China's universities have started to charge significant tuition, beyond the reach of the very poor.
Second, private schools were allowed to charge tuition on top of the voucher.
Second, the local high school charged tuition for to students whose families did not live in Monmouth.
However, since 1947 it has been necessary to charge tuition to each town that sends students to Gilbert.
The cost of breeding, raising and training a dog is $25,000, yet the school does not charge tuition.
Thanks to federal subsidies the school does not charge tuition.
The school did not charge tuition at that time, although students had to buy their own books and pay an activities fee.