Four were charged today with criminal behavior, and two now have cases pending in juvenile court.
Her daughter was charged with ungovernable behavior, which included bringing men into the home while the mother was at work.
The question comes up because a couple of baseball players have recently been charged with unpleasant behavior.
When police are charged with behavior this awful, the authorities have a nearly impossible challenge.
They did not charge any of the administrators with corruption or criminal behavior, but said their investigation was continuing.
Lange was charged with improper behavior, which is a minor criminal charge in New Jersey.
Burgos was charged in July 2008 with similar behavior with two other boys.
Again it involved two young men, but this time they had been charged with unsocial behavior.
However they may be charged with indecency and immoral behavior.
The police arrested 32 people, charging them with criminal assault, hijacking and riotous behavior.