He set a pattern for the line of more charismatic and successful actors that were to succeed him in this combination of roles.
"Though often wild and edgy, this charismatic actor delivers the soliloquies with both clarity and depth of feeling."
In the mid-30's, he had fallen in love with a charismatic young actor named Will Geer and followed him into the party.
So is James Marsters, the charismatic American actor who plays the British Spike.
As with any innately charismatic actor or dancer, witnessing it is infinitely better than trying to explain it.
Asked if so many charismatic actors were attracted to the role because Hamlet himself is charismatic, he dismissed that notion too.
But he's such a charismatic actor that he holds the stage and is exciting to watch.
The joke came out of the fact that Mr. Cosby stole the show because he was a much more charismatic and subtle actor.
Nevertheless, after completion of the film Żuławski called Linda a "charismatic actor".
Mr. Shore is a charismatic actor, and the scenes he shares with Ms. Dennis are among the play's most riveting.