In every sense Goddard is this book's conscience and most charismatic character.
He is the least charismatic character after Frank, making it easy to understand why he was cut so quickly.
He was also noted for being a very charismatic and playful character.
He turned out to be a tremendously charismatic character, and the book was immensely successful.
He can also be seen as a lovable, charismatic character.
Obama is certainly a charismatic character, and so was Clinton (who was impeached).
John Poyer was a charismatic, contradictory and self destructive character.
He became a popular actor at Toho for his good looks and charismatic, sophisticated character.
Méndez playing the underdog in the story with a strong charismatic character.
The successful formation of this diverse coalition seems to be due to Ali's charismatic character.