He would not consider himself a charismatic person.
"She was such a theatrical person, very charismatic and very stylish," Buechner says.
"He wasn't a charismatic person, the way he looked or anything like that," Doyle says.
It's like meeting a charismatic person, when you think, 'Boy, they have the presence to be on stage.'
Mass media has described her as dignified, statuesque, beautiful and charismatic person.
Only the charismatic person could infect the other people in the room with his or her emotions.
He views Jesus Christ as a human philosopher, "a very charismatic person with a great view of how people should live together."
He noted that "she not only is a charismatic person, some of that charisma rubs off on her village staff."
Sister is a very charismatic person, willing to do the little things that don't get a lot of attention.
In interviews they never say what a charismatic person I was (I'm not), nor how brilliant my analyses of literature were.