Publicly, Parcells was the charismatic presence, the king of his world.
His charismatic presence would add a spark to the European team.
He barely put on a show, but his natural rhyming skills and charismatic presence held the crowd's attention.
Indeed those very homes project his eccentric, charismatic presence - and there is now little threat of that changing.
He is a charismatic presence, but not a pleasant one to hear.
He's also a remarkable chef, and an extraordinarily charismatic presence.
First he made fun of the standard stereotype, asking, "Does anybody feel cheated by my charismatic presence not being directed at them?"
One thing of which there was no doubt, however, was Kimball's charismatic presence.
Even after his stroke, he still had a charismatic presence, and people valued his company.
As commissioner, he was bound to be a less charismatic presence, and as baseball writer the same problem is at hand.