Prawer has been described as an outstanding teacher and lecturer who combined thorough preparation with a charismatic style.
After the shah was overthrown in 1979, Rajavi, with his charismatic style, gathered thousands of followers.
His charismatic style and genuine fondness for animals made the show an instant hit with children and adults alike.
He said that while her position on capital punishment helped, it was her forceful, charismatic style in the television age that won the election.
Many pundits noted that while Edwards's charismatic style was in evidence, he had rushed through the speech, ending several minutes earlier than planned.
His disenthralled supporters say wryly he can no longer depend on a charismatic oratorical style alone.
Sandler continues to perform for audiences worldwide with his charismatic style and talent.
Even if they didn't, the pair could keep the house rocking all night with their charismatic style.
He gained a huge following with Miami residents because of his spontaneous and charismatic style of reporting.
He is noted for both his performing ability and charismatic style.