Experts say the case goes to the heart of a major issue in philanthropy: how the wishes of charitable donors are treated after their deaths.
The new analysis says the president's proposal would create more than 11 million new charitable donors, mostly low- and middle-income taxpayers.
The new law would reverse the harmful measure in the 1986 tax law that denies charitable donors their full deduction on gifts of appreciated property.
A new Jewish magazine hopes to get off to a running start by turning some of the nation's top charitable donors into instant subscribers.
It asserts that "businesses acting as businesses, not as charitable donors, are the most powerful force for addressing the pressing issues (society) face(s)."
He was indicted on charges of income tax fraud and stealing from charitable donors in 1989, but was eventually acquitted at a trial.
Certain drug companies have become major charitable donors to hospitals, contributing $25,000 here and $100,000 there.
Feeney was the biggest charitable donor in American history up to that point, all the while maintaining his anonymity.
In 1989, he faced a 67-count indictment on charges that he stole $250,000 from charitable donors and cheated on his income taxes.
It will allow local businesses, innovators, charitable donors and local people to support the organisation through volunteering, gifts of kind or financial investment (charitable giving).