He and his lady wife were slumming it on your side of the continental divide, at a charity bash in the Heckley Dining Club, as the personal guests of Chief Constable Ernest Hilditch and his delightful wife, Nora.
I thought you might have met him at one of your charity bashes, or the Freemasons.
"He's shown it to three people who were at that charity bash at Newbury, and they all ID-ed Kingston as the man who accompanied Mary Perigo."
"All because somebody might have scammed some money from a charity bash?"
The caption said, Eyewitness called McCoy's companion younger, more "foxy," a "hotter ticket" than his forty-year-old wife, Judy, shown here with hubby at charity bash.
They had met at Andre Agassi's charity bash in Las Vegas in October, long after his marriage to Kristin Armstrong had broken up.
Eleanor and Clayton Starrett were at a charity bash at the Hilton.
The other day I was in a line-up at a charity bash and next to me were Simon and Yasmin Le Bon.
The two remaining hopefuls are pushed to their limit in the final task, which involves planning a huge charity bash with no budget.
Last May, Mr. Stempler decided to take his wealth of invitations to benefits and charity bashes and put them on a web page on the Internet.