In recent years, the charity has faced criticism for its stance on contact visits to children following parents' separation.
Now New York's charities face similar challenges and pitfalls, albeit on a much larger scale.
In 2010, the charity faced re-homing problems as a result of the recession.
It is also important that the law be made fit for purpose looking ahead, given the new challenges and opportunities that charities now face.
However, the scale of the economic challenges we face as a country mean that charities are facing tough times.
Until that happens, the charity may face questions about its motives, he acknowledged.
Meanwhile, many small businesses and charities will face higher costs.
Since then, charities have faced intense scrutiny, which has led to demands for greater financial accountability and tougher regulation.
This drop in contributions has occurred just when private charities are facing larger challenges.
Many charities are facing major threats to their services and need the money as soon as possible.