It was conceived by Howe and his wife, Colleen, as a combination event for hockey promotion and charity fund-raising.
The house groups provide pastoral and academic supervision, gentle competition, charity fund-raising and other activities.
There is no official student union but the college is active in organising charity fund-raising and social events for students.
Other charity fund-raising by Illingworth included organising a concert in October 1969.
This increasingly popular Christmas tradition includes a dinner, speeches, awards, and charity fund-raising.
As an example, she said, "it will be a big opportunity for people who are trying to do charity fund-raising."
The Council is also involved in charity fund-raising.
Murphy has also been active in charity fund-raising his career.
Federal law requires states to permit any gambling game on Indian reservations that is permitted off-reservation - say, church bingo and roulette for charity fund-raising.
The club are associated with the Peterborough Sports Aid Charity and hold charity fund-raising matches on their behalf.