All proceeds from a charity raffle at the event benefited CatNap from the Heart, a local non-profit animal shelter.
Ditto the Caribbean vacation you took, courtesy of a charity raffle.
In Minnesota the law prevented newspapers from carrying advertisements for charity raffles and private legal lotteries.
Also defeated was a Philadelphia proposal to legalize charity raffles and other small games of chance.
They sponsor away-game viewing parties, road trips to away matches and popular charity raffles that have raised thousands of dollars.
Sometimes a team will give rings to fans as part of a charity raffle.
Even liberals, though, seem comfortable with a subtle form of payment for altruism: charity raffles, which offer a few random awards to encourage public-spirited behavior.
London's Chelsea Football Club raised thousands of dollars through a charity raffle in Okines' honor.
Originally, the Las Vegas Nights law was meant only to provide legal protection for limited gambling: bingo in church halls, for instance, or charity raffles.
A charity raffle was also held and £440 was raised for the Tokyo, Japan earthquake and tsunami that took place in March 2011.