Yet few donors pay much attention to how charities spend their money, regulators and watchdog groups say.
That amount was part of $771,911 that the charities spent on direct relief and staff services that assist the poor.
The charity spends about $1 million annually, currently supporting 47 families, including one of an officer killed in action in 1964.
In 2011, the charity raised £5,519,000 and spent £5,321,000.
We want to make sure that charities spend more time on their valuable work to support our communities.
The charity spends £10,000 on charitable grants and administration.
Only 11 percent of respondents said they thought charities spent their money wisely, down from 14 percent last October.
It will also let people see how charities are spending their donations and allow government to help charities manage themselves better encouraging best practice.
In the financial year 2010/11 the charity spent £332 million on cancer research projects (around 69% of its total income for that year).
What does the charity spend the money on?