In 1990, Jean Alexander reprised the role after two-and-a-half years as part of ITV's 27-hour charity telethon.
Pitching after 10 days off, Gooden was falling behind every hitter; his pitch count began to look like the money board of a charity telethon.
In the mid to late 1960s Kenny hosted, emceed, and performed for a number of charity telethons in Canada.
But Cisco and Mr. Malloch Brown say that Netaid is not just another charity telethon.
The annual sports equipment extravaganza for manufacturers and buyers brings in top athletes the way charity telethons tap Hollywood stars.
In the episode, Leslie volunteers to host a charity telethon and is given the unappealing 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. shift.
Also being pitched to television stations is a concept called "premium numbers," which A.T.&T. is promoting as the future of charity telethons.
In many occasions, particularly at charity telethons, Fernández would be asked to sing the song as a closer, which she would do willingly.
Reeves has appeared without Mortimer on a number of British television shows, primarily game shows, poll programmes and charity telethons.
JJ is hosting a charity telethon.