A Charmed Career In some ways the story of the 50-year-old Justice Norcott is one of a charmed career suddenly coming a cropper.
Jeter has had a charmed career, playing shortstop for the Yankees only during their current championship era.
By all measures, Alice Young has had a charmed career.
Until his affiliation with Keating and Lincoln Savings, Peter M. Fishbein led a very charmed legal career as head of Kaye, Scholer.
Despite his charmed career, Rogers was eager to leave the bureaucratic labyrinth of the Pentagon behind when he assumed his NATO post in Belgium.
It would also be the first setback in a charmed career.
In "Thou Shalt Not," the one unqualified clinker in the director and choreographer Susan Stroman's charmed career, it was indeed an otherworldly phenomenon that provided such redemption.
Salander-O'Reilly Gallery 20 East 79th Street Through Oct. 2 Until the Depression hit, Elie Nadelman had a charmed career.
But when Steinbrenner seized on an interviewer's question and criticized Jeter for lacking focus, he touched off the kind of adversity Jeter had never faced in his charmed career.
As respected as he is among film makers, Mr. Scorsese makes it clear that he has hardly had a charmed career.