Lise had a charming accent and exuded a gentle confidence.
The charming accents and mannerisms grew just a bit tiresome through constant repetition.
Someone who is fluent in English but still has that charming "foreign" accent.
But wherever did you get that charming accent?
Of course, she spoke perfect English, but usually she had a charming French accent.
She said, in her very good English and slight, charming accent: "Colonel, may I explain about the car?"
Alex was intrigued to hear that the other woman had a faint, charming Scottish accent rather like Gavin's.
"I never could see why you Yanks like that evil-tasting stuff," she said in her charming accent.
Mrs. Underdown had fussed and laughed over what she called our charming southern accent.
"My Hero," she purred-spat in her charming human accent.