The book contains many charming and often funny anecdotes about the rich and famous celebrities he met along the way.
ONE of the most charming anecdotes in Irving Kristol's collection of essays occurs in the opening memoir of his life as a public intellectual.
WHEN Lady 'Bubbles' Rothermere died unexpectedly a month ago the obituary columns were filled with charming anecdotes about this most famous of rich, fun-loving, party going socialites.
(In a charming anecdote, Gonzlez Echevarria describes himself outdueling a stadium employee for one foul ball, which "sits on my shelf as I write this.")
Mr. Luxon became the hero of the evening, introducing all the music with charming anecdotes and singing several songs in addition to his designated repertory.
Many times I wished that the charming anecdotes had not stopped with their happy climaxes, but had continued the pleasing history of the several benefactors and beneficiaries.
It seems no more than a charming anecdote, but when Professor Davie cites Bunting's tale in Under Briggflatts, his history of British poetry since 1960, he calls the incident 'challenging'.
Her sole mention of the Panthers in lying History is the harmless, even charming anecdote about the bucket brigade" she led to put out a campus fire during the Panther riots.
Mr. DeLay has so debased the discourse that he included this charming anecdote as proof of the culture crisis: "I got an E-mail this morning that said it all.
And there is not an intrusive question in the world for which Lindy Boggs does not have a charming anecdote with which to defuse it.