I know from previous visits that there are some charming aspects to the place.
The civility that still lingers in Japan is the most charming and delightful aspect of life here today.
Ms. Midler manages to gloss over the story's inconsistencies, play up its charming aspects, and generally bluster her way through.
Now what's one of the most charming aspects of taking this car along?
'Tate really helped me to find the more charming aspects of Hilly and to tap into the perspective she has of herself.'
It is one of several charming aspects of the house, which Johnson gently modified over the years.
It's hard to imagine there wasn't a way to keep the charming aspects.
This was ever one of the more charming aspects of Welles in such appearances.
The apartment has some charming aspects, like a dumbwaiter in the kitchen that is used to send garbage to the basement.
What the article failed to point out - and perhaps the most charming aspect of the town - is the hunger for culture that the town possesses.