The site's consensus reads "though Penelope has a charming cast and an appealing message, it ultimately suffers from faulty narrative and sloppy direction."
Something happens after intermission to the office workers played by a charming, talented cast in "The Water Coolers," a new musical revue at Dillons.
Booklist, May 15, "This appealing novel offers a charming cast of characters and a clever premise, and readers will hope that Katie's skills will be needed in New York City again soon."
Two girls of the same charming cast of face as the first whom we had seen waited on us while we ate, and very nicely they did it.
Variety complained that "an inept script and a subpar performance by Paul Lynde worked against the best efforts of a charming cast in this ABC yuletide special."
Socialites' antics, after all, have taken on a less charming cast in an age that is certainly not of innocence.
Upon release, the comedy garnered generally mixed reviews by critics, who commended its premise and a charming cast but felt that the script was trite and rom-com formulaic.
Its consensus states "The Switch has an interesting premise and a charming cast; unfortunately, it also has a trite script that hews too close to tired rom-com formulas."
What Mr. Fish has achieved would be impossible without his charming cast.