No one knows how this charming old custom originated or how long it will continue.
Hitting a wall, or anything else, in an angry rage, is not, as Junger would have us believe, a charming social custom of the male subculture.
A charming custom, is it not?
Beggars offer piggyback rides - "a charming local custom and the stamina of these emaciated vagrants is nothing short of amazing."
A charming custom that just isn't done in the big city, I must say.
Such a charming old custom.
Then the extra wife was in the way, and ignorant of this charming local custom of revenge-killing, Angelina had removed a stumbling stone.
This village has many charming customs, for instance during a wedding it is tradition for young Kelbricks to lock the church gates and demand monies from the bride and groom.
One of our charming customs is that when a new king is crowned, all other possible contenders for the throne are put to death.
They're silent; they remain alert, and, in a charming local custom, they actually stay until the end of the play.