"George Bush is a very charming guy, no matter what you think of his politics," he said.
Besides, the press loved the charming guy with such genteel manners, and he held a very powerful leadership position.
I once interviewed America's 1991 world 400m champion and found him a convincing, charming guy, railing against the scourge of drugs.
It was possible to imagine - he was a charming, handsome guy.
"I didn't want to start him as a charming guy."
"In real life I'm a very charming guy," he said.
Then there's a talk show host-everyone knows him, helluva witty and charming guy.
And everyone was delighted to meet this charming guy.
"They don't like him and yet he can be a very charming, likable guy."
He looks intimidating as he lines up but the minute the race is over, he's a disarming, charming guy.