The tincture vert (green) seen in the pile transposed stands for the village's scenically charming surroundings.
The shore area of Leith, once unattractive, is now a centre for a range of new pubs and restaurants in charming surroundings.
This little gem of a restaurant delivers gutsy bistro cooking in charming surroundings.
The charming surroundings of Vienna are more attractive than the reeking morgue or the sultry wards of the hospital.
The room had no charm, but George, although he had always lived in the most charming surroundings, knew not the word or its definition.
Only the charming surroundings remain.
The green point formed by the mantlelike division of the field symbolizes the village's scenically charming surroundings.
But the Panini Cafe is not about superior servers or charming surroundings.
Frugal diners are often wary of restaurants that boast charming surroundings, because they suspect, not without justification, that the phrase usually means high prices.
A magnificent collection in truly charming surroundings, there's nowhere like it.