The single proved successful, charting high on many national charts worldwide.
I think "You Da One" is a much better song even though it hasn't charted as high.
The song didn't chart as high as her past lead singles, although it hit high positions in international charts.
The hits kept coming, but with less frequency, and were not charting as high as in the '40s.
The third single "One Touch", released in May 2010, only managed to chart as high as number 124.
The album and subsequent singles also charted high in the UK charts.
The song, like the album Wrap Around Joy, got off to a slow start, but eventually charted high.
The song attracted much attention and charted high.
It has charted as high as the 22nd most popular music podcast and is downloaded in almost every country.
The fact that these instant collections are charting so high is a positive sign.