It reported checking 16 patients "whose charts reveal a shocking inattentiveness on the part of the psychiatric staff."
The chart reveals that you have great ability as a speculator.
Mrs. E.'s chart reveals what one would expect from this era.
But physics isn't the only field that's drowning in a flood of data, as a chart from a paper in genome biology reveals.
The following chart reveals how men and women unknowingly create arguments and suggests healthy alternatives.
The following charts reveal the challenges America faces from runaway spending and debt.
The decade-end chart also revealed the album to be the third most successful album of 2009.
The chart also reveals that the city's economy is growing faster than the East of England average and any other economy in the region.
But if charts reveal hidden patterns, some believe there are even deeper esoteric patterns guiding them.
A Snellen chart or other eye charts may initially reveal reduced visual acuity.