It is possible to reach the area via charter aircraft, or increasingly, via icebreaker cruise ships.
Funded via a federal grant of $16 million, it is a general aviation airport designed for private and charter aircraft.
Seven charter aircraft left London today for Luxor to fly tourists home, in some cases weeks ahead of schedule.
The charter aircraft they were on had been following a Boeing 757 in for landing, became caught in its wake turbulence, and crashed.
Access to the Cirque and the Ragged Range is by charter aircraft.
The captain of that charter aircraft, having just landed, powered up the engines to get away from the fireball of the accident.
Sky King provides charter aircraft to numerous touring agencies with flights into Cuba.
Task force will make short sea journey to Smyrna, and then fly by private charter aircraft to Dakar.
He said the agency needed 10 charter aircraft but could only afford four.
Therefore it has been recommended a charter aircraft to perform approaches to and departures from the intended runway, which have not taken place so far.