Commercial Fishing, guided hunting trips, charter fishing and logging are all vital economic facets of the local economies.
A 1994 study put the direct financial impact of charter fishing on the local economy at $35 million annually with $10 million to $15 million more attributed to the ripple effect.
Other ventures included boat rental, charter fishing, a bait store, a company store and a school boat, which was considered more useful than a school bus in the locale.
Now 24, he has his own charter fishing and diving business.
Amusement and recreational activities such as golf, bowling, and charter fishing.
The fishing and seafood industry also have a strong economic impact with charter fishing, restaurants, and lodging actively serving patron.
Some will go into charter fishing.
It featured high speed stainless pinion gears for taking in line faster and was well adapted to the extra demands of professionally guided charter fishing.
Tourism, diving and charter fishing comprise nearly all sources of income.
Packages available for diving, charter fishing and day sailing.