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There was a chasteness to their relationship which she could never remember having with a man before.
Judging from the chasteness of the kiss, I'd say yes.
She strikes a perfect balance between relaxed sensuality and delicate chasteness of expression.
Not like Silanus, whose kisses were reverent to the point of chasteness.
Instead, these women interact with weird combination of empathy, kitschy seductiveness and chasteness.
He made the thing an artistic method, using it with the same power, though not the same chasteness, as George Eliot after him.
Without the least hint of chasteness.
He does not insult chasteness; he respects it; he serves it.
The impression is of chasteness and privacy, and with them a strong need to rein in impulsiveness and deny excess.
Admit that Gandhi is a catastrophe for India; that chasteness in the choice of means leads to political impotence.
The part of the film that seems most detached from any plausible reality about Monroe is the aura of chasteness in which the movie envelops her.
"The idea of youthful fidelity, of chasteness, all of this is reflected in the kinds of fragrances being marketed."
Ying-ti flirts brazenly with Mr. 3, although the film mostly retains the chasteness of a Chinese drama.
Kannagi is regarded as a symbol of chastity and she is always associated with chasteness in Tamil literature across ages.
In contrast, the "Hymn of Death" is deeply touching: slow moving and punctuated with calm, open spaces; the hollow parallel fifths have a wonderful chasteness.
At the end, there was the chasteness of "Dona nobis pacem" to admire - with its denial of theatrical effect.
The relationship's chasteness was guaranteed by his unswerving devotion to a blond heiress, Marie de Flavigny d'Agoult.
Despite the chasteness of his lips, languid heat softened her bones, and she sighed silkily, like a schoolgirl content to discover this wicked bit of wantonness.
Niecks writes that this study "may be reckoned among Chopin's loveliest compositions" as it "combines classical chasteness of contour with the fragrance of romanticism."
The stated aim of the Taliban was to create a "secure environment where the chasteness and dignity of women may once again be sacrosanct," reportedly based on Pashtunwali beliefs about living in purdah.
The sky arched gloriously blue above them, the benevolent sun lavished warmth upon them, and the music provided by four of the groom's colleagues swelled while the couple kissed, with a chasteness Alberg approved.
And there is an interpretive chasteness to most everything Schnabel does in these four disks; one needs only to hear the great A minor Rondo, which offers not a single cute or self-servingly distinctive phrase.
So her chasteness, preserved by a fire, a runny nose and some spoiled sturgeon eggs was still intact, although she carried herself as if her virtue was a jewel-an emblem-of character, discipline and intelligence.
Jane decides that they should have a trial period of living together in a small cottage she has been given in an inheritance to see if they are compatible, with a bolster in the bed to preserve her chasteness.
But she was solar comet and midnight, and a demon, her only lover a Lord of Darkness, and for all her chasteness, she was Vazdru, and the Vazdru had invented love.