In a chat area on the site, members debated whether the video was genuine or staged.
If you go into the public chat areas, it's rare to find someone that doesn't have a microphone.
So are chat areas, games, newspapers, encyclopedias and travel agents.
If you hang around in the chat areas or discussion groups," it says, "you'll probably get to know these special folks.
I could map chat area beyond the lake.
Among them are daily updates from the pro tours, weekly rankings, instructional tips and more chat areas.
When Alison was 13, her parents once found her in a chat area.
Maybe that's why Messenger's typed chat area remains open even during voice or video calls, just in case.
But once connected, they do not seem to vent their wrath in the chat areas.
Of course, in most live on-line "chat" areas, it's nearly impossible to go unnoticed.