Does it not show an unpleasantly chauvinistic, even imperialist attitude to object to the ways in which other societies make sense of their daily lives?
Jennifer stared at Cheryl, remembering Dr. Vandermer and his chauvinistic attitude.
The song is sometimes seen as a critique of effects of fame; conversely, it is often considered to present a misogynistic or chauvinistic attitude toward women.
He could be a sweetheart, and Katie loved him dearly, but Mica couldn't stomach his chauvinistic attitude.
His poems exhibit his dislike for the chauvinistic attitude of the rich towards the poor.
As the series goes on, his chauvinistic attitude is downplayed.
His father's chauvinistic attitudes rubbed off on him, and this caused much strain in their relationship.
Perhaps it is time to ban car alarms in Manhattan as well as Manhattanites' chauvinistic yet provincial attitude.
Lennon later said that until he met Ono, he had never questioned his chauvinistic attitude to women.
Though women proved themselves as politically and economically capable within the Partisan movement, a chauvinistic attitude was maintained.