He has read about Sugar in More Sprees in London, a publication for the man about town which surveys 'hocks' (cheapest brothels) and 'prime rump'.
Maybe it must look like a disguised aristocrat 's visit to the cheap brothel.
Winesinks, warehouses, and gaming dens lined the streets, cheek by jowl with cheap brothels and the temples of peculiar gods.
Many of the businesses, from cheap brothels to deluxe hotels, had failed, but the Americana, and others, had struggled on.
They found her a few weeks later in that cheap brothel over by the river.
No more looking for the cheaper brothels down the street.
Some houses serve as cheap brothels in this locality of Shivdaspur.
At the cheapest brothels, he said, "they're nearly all HIV positive now."
At such prices, these prostitutes have far fewer partners than the women in the cheap brothels.
I said a few words that could have gotten me ejected from the cheapest brothel in Manila, and sat up.