The migration of such labour to urban factories has underpinned China's ability to generate cheap exports.
It makes exports much cheaper, for one thing, and export strength is helping to cushion the country's economic slowdown.
Tensions in the trade relationship have increased with reports that China uses prison labor to make cheap exports.
That, in turn, is making American exports cheaper for foreigners and imports less competitive in domestic markets.
In recent years, cheap exports from China have further eroded the French market share.
All that would do is drive the value of the dollar lower, making American exports cheaper, and therefore more attractive, to foreign buyers.
It can be argued that this was not a bad thing for Italy - cheaper and more competitive exports, dearer imports.
For them, the answer is a total liberalization of trade in farm products so that their cheaper exports can find markets.
Countries will no longer try to devalue their currency for cheap exports.
Yes, the West will want to protect itself against sudden, traumatic surges in cheap Russian exports.