They were called "Saturday night specials", in a derisive nod to cheap handguns then called by that name.
Why not outlaw all cheap handguns?
He called for a complete ban on the manufacture, sale, distribution and possession of the cheap handguns known as Saturday-night specials.
The ready availability of cheap, powerful handguns transforms the cycle of violence into a spiral.
With cities awash in assault weapons and cheap handguns, the public understands what's going on.
A state ban on cheap handguns was signed into law late last month by Gov. Gray Davis.
Bryco has been one of the major makers of cheap handguns known as Saturday night specials.
The companies that make most of the cheap handguns used by criminals are not attending the talks.
The first move to regulate cheap handguns was taken in 1968 when the Federal Government banned their importation.
But board officials say that few domestic manufacturers now make such weapons and that in recent years Federal law has prohibited importing most cheap foreign handguns.