That hasn't stopped Intel from launching a new family of processors designed for small and cheap laptops.
It wants to make cheap laptops so that children in less wealthy countries without as much technology can also use a computer to learn.
Previous attempts to distribute cheap laptops to villagers ran into problems as access to servicing was very difficult.
Having *good enough* gaming performance in a cheap laptop (which is generally low-res anyway) is a major win.
They should make their consumer line like that and stop competing with Dell on how can make the cheapest laptop.
Otherwise buy a really cheap laptop and an Xbox for the same money.
He could buy a cheap laptop and never airport it at all.
When he starts to want to write his own stories get a cheap laptop and share it with him .
Bad * Same crappy 1366 x 768 screen resolution as every other cheap laptop.
That's the difference between a cheap laptop and a good laptop.