After a few months of recurring prescriptions, patients often find themselves switching to cheaper generic medications, or turning to long-term behavioral treatment.
A few years ago, uninsured Americans would often purchase their cheaper medications from Canadian pharmacies.
On the other hand, several state governors and local politicians are pushing for greater freedom to import cheap medications.
Rather, the point is that recessionary tendencies can usually be effectively treated with cheap, over-the-counter medication: cut interest rates a couple of percentage points, provide plenty of liquidity, and call me in the morning.
It would be nice if our law were extended nationally, so older folks would not have to go to Canada or Mexico to get cheaper medications.
Since we have cheaper medications now, we should be using statins more frequently, not less frequently, because the burden of heart disease is so high in industrialized societies.
After a few months, patients may need to switch to cheaper generic medications or turn to long-term behavioral treatments.
These include laws to expand seniors' health care options, to protect access to home health care in rural areas and to allow Americans to access cheaper medications from Canada and other nations.
First, Eckerd will incur lower costs by carrying an inventory of cheaper medications.
In return, it got more safeguards to prevent the inappropriate resale of these cheaper medications to developed countries.