Before beginning a piece, he stains his paper with a wash of instant-coffee grounds, making it look like cheap newsprint.
It was a cartoon tale on cheap newsprint about a quartet of misfits with odd powers: the Fantastic Four, they were called.
A new literacy and cheap newsprint spawned the monster newspapers which were the first cultural artifact of mass society.
There was a magazine on one of the coffee tables, printed on cheap newsprint.
This was also made possible by the availability of cheap newsprint manufactured in huge continuous rolls that could be fitted directly into the high speed presses.
He thumbed through the cheap newsprint and smudged the ink, getting it on his fingers.
They are printed on very cheap newsprint and are considered disposable.
It wasn't long before the Times was eager and willing to buy this new and cheaper newsprint.
It was printed on cheap newsprint with plain design and filled with corrosive yet humorous writing.
The thick black lettering on the cheap newsprint was still wet.