Could anyone tell me where I should be looking for cheap routes between the two areas?
If we go the cheaper route, we're going to upgrade to a 24-pin matrix printer.
Powers for a longer, but cheaper, route between the two towns were secured on 25 May 1860.
One year ago, the oil pipeline was to follow a shorter and cheaper route, to China.
Even though such measures would add only 1 to 2 percent to the cost of each door, builders were often told to take a cheaper route.
Each packet seeks the cheapest route, at the instant it is sent, to the destination.
But by embracing computer supervision as a cheap and easy route to improved performance, managers may be shooting themselves in the foot.
If in doubt, replacement is a relatively cheap route to peace of mind.
This line is actually the cheapest route to and from Istanbul if you live in the West.
Can budding lawyers take the cheaper route and get a job?