They told me they were ashamed to be wearing what they call skiffs: cheap sneakers.
She's wearing cheap white sneakers, brown socks and oversized jeans.
He lifted her foot, propping it on his thigh and unlacing the cheap sneaker carefully.
I wore the standard Berkeley corporate uniform: grubby shirt, faded jeans, long hair, and cheap sneakers.
Like most people, I want cheap sneakers.
It's also interesting because plenty of big-name discounters sell cheap sneakers and clothes, but few if any have enjoyed glowing, power-to-the-people media treatment.
Shoe prints are a popular brand of cheap sneaker.
"Or your cheap sneakers, as the case may be."
Mr. Wormington drove off to buy cheap sneakers for several days of camping and wading through water.
He had on heavy woolen socks, puffed out over the top of cheap sneakers without laces.