"Normally, I'd say I want to only read for a few minutes, but I'd search every corner of Reddit and then check Facebook."
I have never Twittered and check Facebook once in a blue moon.
There's a lot to consider when buying something you'll probably use most often to send e-mail, look at photos of your friends and check Facebook.
Hello 1 I have just got in from work, checked Facebook now BAP!
But does he check Facebook?
"Vince could pop up on your screen at work, encouraging you to stop checking Facebook."
So some swimmers can't check Facebook or send 140-character messages to a few thousand followers.
Nadal going through his OCD pre-game routine - towel, water, headband, water again, quickly check Facebook, headband, water again.
After all, they may eventually find that they don't necessarily need a home computer anymore, as long as they can check e-mail and Facebook on their iPhone or Android device.
During the grand finale tonight, people will be checking Twitter and Facebook for reactions to the contestants' performances in order to decide how to vote.