Visitors can pay in cash, by check or money order.
Please enclose a check or money order to cover the cost of the stamps.
Send a check or money order; add $1 to have it sent by book rate and $2.50 for first class.
If paying by check or money order, you must use Form 1040-V.
For the last three years the cruise has sold out, and tickets are available by check or money order but not credit cards.
Orders are accepted only when accompanied by a check or money order.
Please include a check or money order with your order form.
The law now requires Federal taxes to be paid by check or money order.
Payment must be made by check or money order.
The man tried to get Dad to pay by check or money order.
Visitors can pay in cash, by check or money order.
Please enclose a check or money order to cover the cost of the stamps.
Send a check or money order; add $1 to have it sent by book rate and $2.50 for first class.
If paying by check or money order, you must use Form 1040-V.
For the last three years the cruise has sold out, and tickets are available by check or money order but not credit cards.
Orders are accepted only when accompanied by a check or money order.
Please include a check or money order with your order form.
The law now requires Federal taxes to be paid by check or money order.
Payment must be made by check or money order.
The man tried to get Dad to pay by check or money order.