The female officer was checking off the soldiers' names on a clipboard as they boarded.
Limousines lined up as an officious-looking man checked off guests' names; valets were on hand at the top of the winding driveway.
Camacho Pereira towered above the wiry little tribesmen, checking off their names against the camp register.
Eileen checked off their names as she watched.
"And those are just the ones I know," Barney said, checking off their names.
George Lewis walked through the square, exchanging banter with them and checking their names off on a list.
The hostess checked off their names, smiled warmly at Stef, and said that their table was ready.
Some were a bit late and streamed in a breathless rush, the historian worriedly checking off their names.
Mr. Tallon said that in the future, the Assembly's sergeant-at-arms would check off members' names as they enter the chamber to provide an additional safeguard.
I would open the door to them and check their names off in the appointment book, often unable to converse because of the language barrier.