Well, leaking lamps don't sound much better than long check-in lines at the airport.
Lisa first meets Jackson while standing in the check-in line.
But the check-in lines are significantly longer - up to three hours in Los Angeles, for example - because of new security regimens.
Their check-in lines have to be the longest and slowest in the business.
Twenty minutes later, as she was waiting in the check-in line, the driver appeared.
Campground operators told stories of long check-in lines, angry customers and faulty computer equipment.
The bottlenecks of security stops and check-in lines will be a thing of the past, he contends.
He was the picture of good behavior as we crawled through the hourlong check-in line, lying obediently at my feet.
Inside the terminals, the check-in lines seemed to stretch for miles.
Some of the foreigners smiled and got back into the check-in line.