In addition, both Hong Kong and Kowloon stations provide complimentary and exclusive in-town check-in services for major airlines.
I do see this, but the whole "dual-screening" thing is being touted up a lot as the future of TV (what with "check-in" services for programmes etc).
On departure, there is an in-town check-in service.
Guests can check into flights though an in-room check-in service, and some Canadian airlines will deliver boarding passes to guests' rooms.
If that sounds familiar, it's probably because you've heard of - or even use - one of a dozen other check-in services on the Internet.
Foursquare, the extremely hot mobile check-in service, has finally raised a new round of funding.
Enjoy it in comfort with our local departures (from over 450 points in England) and easy check-in service on scheduled British Airways flights.
According to a ComScore report released on May 12, 2011, nearly one in five smartphone users are tapping into check-in services like Foursquare and Gowalla.
It's another online check-in service that lets you post your location to your Facebook status.
Multi check-in services are available, designed for the use of all passengers arriving, departing or in transit.