It was paneled in squares of combed plywood set at right angles one to the other to make a checkerboard effect.
This created a checkerboard effect, and made it nearly impossible to have sizable gains in farming and grazing.
We still get the checkerboard effect during rapid page scrolling, however, so it doesn't quite match the default Android browser on that front yet.
Four tropical shades - blue, yellow, turquoise and red - in different sequences have produced a checkerboard effect so that each shade appears in all combinations.
The black- top had been patched repeatedly where winter sleet and ice had eaten potholes in its surface, creating a kind of sloppy checkerboard effect.
This high up, the land below took on a checkerboard effect of Robin Hoodsy greens and browns.
The plat of the village thus assumed a checkerboard effect.
These strips have a series of alternating motifs, creating an overall checkerboard effect after they have been stitched together.
Sisko stared at the viewer as a strange rippling checkerboard effect, unlike any cloak he had ever seen, distorted the stars until a ship became visible.
When completed diagonally in 1 direction, attach ribbon in opposite diagonal direction to create a checkerboard effect.