He went through the checking procedure again.
When scientists get things wrong, it's legitimate to ask what went wrong with the vaunted checking procedures on which the credibility of science rests.
Bill Cave of contractors Speller Metcalfe said that all workmen, from plumbers and carpenters to electricians, followed stringent checking procedures during construction.
Toyota subsequently confirmed that the failed suspension component had already completed a full race distance at the previous Grand Prix, and resolved to adjust its checking procedures.
Administrative assistant -the accuracy of the checking procedure, ie the number of errors undetected at this stage that could be referred back by the personnel section or the finance department.
A leaflet for customers to explain the checking procedures for controlled oils is also available.
Most Goju-ryu schools use the following checking procedures:
In general terms, the Commission is currently examining the possibility of speeding up its internal checking procedures, so that in cases where all the requirements are met, payments can be made more quickly.
The checking procedures are also different.
But the Delta plane lacked the special chart, and checking it is only one of several typical checking procedures that can be used on such flights.