His pasty cheeks trembled as he fondled the winking gem, murmuring and muttering to himself.
Alia shook her head, feeling her cheeks tremble with the force of movement.
Her papery cheeks trembled briefly, and again he perceived resentment, a deep anger, just under her abrasive, disconcerting surface.
Her cheek trembled slightly as he stroked it.
Her fat cheeks trembled like a jelly on a dish that is suddenly moved.
Idaho saw Moneo's cheeks tremble, the intensity of the man's stare, and felt oddly moved by this.
His heavy cheeks trembled as he tried to collect enough saliva in his mouth to say something, ask something.
Incus nodded, his cheeks trembling.
Her throat was hoarse, tears soaked her cheeks and sobs trembled through her body.
Within the stiff folds of her wimple her withered cheek trembled.