After she seats you and befriends you with cheerful banter comes the pitch.
The overcast skies didn't help his mood any, and the drive-through burger order was in a monotone, not his usual cheerful banter.
It was more than her cheerful, wise-cracking banter.
Courtiers who had come to expect her barely to acknowledge them were suddenly treated to radiant smiles and cheerful banter.
At the front, the dolly-in-chief was handed a copy of the final manifest by a smiling ScanAir official, with whom she appeared to be exchanging cheerful banter.
They exchanged cheerful banter.
No cheerful banter from the cells, no drunken snoring from the locker room.
The two communicate in a flow of cheerful banter and, when collaborating on plays, they have a intuitive understanding of what each other wants.
There were no stories nor cheerful banter as they rode westward.
Then, with much cheerful banter, the group broke up, and Jon pressed for ward again, catching up with the officer named Tunx.