He is well known for his cheerful demeanor at concerts and having a good sense of humour.
He kept up a cheerful demeanor even while sharing dire news.
Although just as stupid as everyone else, he sometimes provides helpful information and always has a cheerful demeanor.
The only time during rehearsals that his cheerful demeanor turned chilly was on the first day: "You will, please, all speak this the same way.
Still, his animated voice and cheerful demeanor become slightly more guarded when the topic is returned to.
She was at a loss to understand his cheerful demeanor.
They stared out through a courteous, even cheerful demeanor, and were more poignant for that.
Indeed, perhaps even excessively jovial, with a large smile and cheerful demeanor.
The elf, always interested in new places, found it rather exciting and maintained his usual cheerful demeanor.
Nothing seems to cool her cheerful demeanor, not even the fact that as a self-employed fringe artist she makes little money.