He heard Eleanor clatter down the stairs with her skates, call a cheerful goodbye and hurry out.
He said a cheerful goodbye to Mills, andwiththe package tucked under the left side of his coat, started inside.
I said a cheerful goodbye to them and walked to the door.
Paula herself waved a cheerful goodbye to us all, and vanished through the door.
She bade him a cheerful goodbye and hurried away to get into her uniform.
He waved a cheerful goodbye and left.
Bardonaro exchanges a cheerful goodbye with the Swampmen, then leaves on his way.
He wished them all a cheerful goodbye, and for Beatrice at least the house seemed very empty when he had gone.
Honeysuckle sweet, he asks about the man's wife by name and then offers a cheerful goodbye.
They set off south, with Rosyqueen and the ten daughters waving a cheerful goodbye.